Coated Belts

Coated Belts | Abrasive Timing Belts

Suraj Enterprises offers a wide range of coatings. We are a leading supplier of coated belts, including coated abrasive belts, coated timing belts, PTFE coated belts, coated metal belts, and coated steel belts. We also manufacture coated hoses. We source our coated abrasive belts from the best coated abrasive belt manufacturers.

In order to achieve a desired coefficient of friction, abrasion resistance, or thickness, there is a coating that is suitable for each application. All backings can be modified mechanically on request. Suraj Enterprises specially customizes belts according to your requirements like vacuum chambers, grooves, slots, perforations etc.

We supply following brand Products

We are authorized stockist of hose clips. Timing belts, V-belts, Poly V-belts, Polymax Belts. Latest Transmission Belts. All Types of Conveyor Belts and Flat Belts

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*Disclaimer: All the mentioned brand logos, product photos including brand logos on product images mentioned above are of their respective manufacturers brands and we at Suraj Enterprises do not own any of the mentioned brand. We supply these brand products.